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Hotel Engineers

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HOTEL ENGINEERS undertake a study of energy efficiency and building energy certificate, version for tourist accommodation required for issuing a certificate. The energy certificate is issued upon inspection of building energy by competent Engineers.
Energy certificate is required on all buildings more than 50 m ² and by 2014 for a group of buildings regardless of square, this is the essential categorization of property on the basis of their maintenance costs and not just their size
The term energy audit is defined as the process of assessing the actual energy consumption in an energy system, the factors affecting them as well as energy-saving features.
The energy audit is an important action in order to save energy, which has application in both the tourism industry and the building sector and covers all energy technologies.

More specifically, an energy audit includes the following:

• recording of energy consumption and their characteristics
• appropriate performance measurement program of important energy and other sizes
• processing of the measurement results
• identify specific energy-saving measures, based on the above energy analysis

By conducting an energy audit formed a clear picture about the situation in which is located the tourist accommodation or building energy standpoint and proposed concrete measures, whose implementation will result in significant energy savings and a corresponding financial benefit.
The way according to which we must carry out energy audits, shall be determined by decision of the D6/b/eco. 11038, G.G. 1526/b/27.7.1999 "procedures, requirements and directions for conducting energy audits".

We undertake autopsy and recording data, energy efficiency study, gathering the supporting (ground plan area, study of heat insulation property, contract), submission to the special software of the MINISTRY for the classification of the building in tier energy class.
The team of HOTEL ENGINEERS, engineers propose building energy upgrades and installations which classify the building on highest rank and save energy and cost.

More in this category: « FIRE SAFETY

Our aim is to cover with our services the needs of all tourist accommodation throughout Greece
For more information and details on coverage areas contact us.

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